Spells for the Wizardly Inclined

Table of Contents
Spell Level School(s)
Absorb 3rd Enchantment, Alteration
Alax's DandeLions 2nd Enchantment
Alax's Ultimate Nullifier 5th Evocation
Anti-Psionics Shell 6th Abjuration, Mentalism
Bigby's Naughty Hand 2nd Conjuration / Summoning, Force
Chase 5th Divination, Dimension
Doctor's Doom 5th Necromancy, Shadow
Drain Magic 5th Enchantment (reversable)
Imbue With Wildness 4th Alteration
Lord Urik's Howl 4th Alteration, Enchantment / Charm, Song
Pixie Invisibility 4th Alteration, Enchantment
Quaron's Ale Fetcher 1st Evocation (reversable)
Quaron's Ale Grapple 2nd Evocation
Quaron's Bubbles 1st Evocation, Alchemy
Quaron's Dastardly Dynamics of Doom 9th Evocation (Wild)
Quaron's Magic Wand 2nd Evocation, Artifice
Quaron's Swarm of Gnats 4th Evocation
Smoke Snake 3rd Conjuration, Geometry, Fire
Teleportational Track 2nd Divination, Dimension
Time's Arrow 2nd Enchantment, Artifice
Unbelievable Aura 3rd Enchantment, Mentalism, Song (reversable)
Wall of Invisibility 4th Alteration, Illusion / Phantasm
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3rd level

Enchantment, Alteration
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (inanimate portion of a black pudding or gelatinous cube)
DUR: Special
CAST: 1 turn
AREA: One item and creature

This spell imitates the psionic power absorb. It allows any item to be absorbed by a creature. The item must be less than 10% the creature's weight, and less than 1/4 the creatures height or length. The item remains absorbed until the target decides to harmlessly expell it. The item initially never needs to make saves, but this changes.

After one hour, the item has to save at +6 vs. crushing blow, fire, etc, if the target is ever damaged in any way. The bonus decreases by one each hour until there is no bonus left. If a save is failed, the target must make a system shock roll or else the item is forcefully expelled. If the target falls unconcious unwillingly, the target must make a system shock roll or the item is forcefully expelled. There is also a chance that the item is expelled starting at 12 hours. The chance starts at 5% and increases by 5% every 12 hours thereafter. A forcefully expelled item causes the target to suffer 2d4 damage and causes the item to make a save vs. crushing blow at -2 or be damaged somehow.

The target radiates magic when holding the item. A successful dispel magic on the creature forces him to make a system shock roll or forcefully expell the item. Phase Door causes the item to make a save vs. acid. Success indicates the item has been integrated into the target, causing damage or even instant death, at the DM's discretion. Failure indicates the item is still integrated into the target, but with no harmful effects. Any teleportation of the target forces a system shock roll, or the item is dispelled en route, disintegrating the item and causing 3d6 damage to the target.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a handful of dried dandelions)
DUR: Special
CAST: 1 round
AREA: 1d6-1 (min. 1) dandelions

This defensive spell enchants 1-5 dried dandelions and turns them into a "pride" of 4'-5' long DandeLions with 1d8 hp each, a 1d4 bite attack, and the caster's THAC0-1. They last until slaim, dispelled, or removed from sunlight for more than 24 hours. Though they have a feline appearance, most DandeLions behave like beloved dogs towards their caster.

The DandeLions obey the caster, never checking morale, to the point of death. They can accept simple one-to-three word commands, such as "Attack him", "Guard the door", or "Heel". This remains, unless the DandeLions encounter any other DandeLions not of their own "pride", even if the caster created them. When this occurs, the DandeLions attack each other, until only a group of DandeLions from the same spell remains.

A DandeLion crumbles into the ash of the original dried dandelion when destoyed. DandeLions can be dispelled at 2 levels lower than their caster. DandeLions have movement equal to their caster at full health, force marching. DandeLions, unless told to be quiet, periodically emit little lion-like roars. DandeLions cannot be contacted telepathically, and are immune to Charm and Sleep spells, but can be affected by spells that affect animals.

Alax Krynhoth, a half-elven Druid / Mage, created this spell in his youth to defend his grove from natural predators, circumventing DandeLions' hate of other "prides" with many Invisibilty to Animals spells made permanent by the grove's magic.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

RANGE: Touch
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: One creature or object- see below
SAVE? Negates

This spell can only be targeted on an object or creature that is under the effect of a spell of Summoning, Conjuring, Enchantment, or Charm. It simply destroys the energy that is maintaining the magic. Conjured or summoned items or creatures return from whence they came, and any charm or enchantment extant on the target is cancelled. This does not affect artifacts, relics, and magic items made with the Enchant an Item spell, though it will ruin an item being prepared with that spell if cast on it before the item is complete.

The caster requires an attack roll against creatures who are unwilling, and such creatures are also given saving throws; other items and creatures are not. Most elementals and summoned creatures will not avoid the touch if the caster somehow communicates to them what he is about to do; they will accept any way out of the bondage they are in. This spell cannot help elementals who were the victims of the disjunction spell Destroy the Ties That Bind; no magic is actively keeping them on this plane any longer.

This spell has only been recently released and is not widely known. The Druid / Mage Alax Krynhoth created the spell a few years before he was transformed into the avatar of Hydim, the Druidic god.


6th level

Abjuration, Mentalism
DUR: 1 turn/level
AREA: 1 foot/level

The effect of this spell is that it creates a spherical barrier around the caster that moves with him. Inside this area, psionics and psionic effects cannot exist. Psionic creatures or people cannot use any psionic powers inside its bounds or affect anything inside it. Psionic items are nonfunctional inside the sphere, though they become normal when brought back outside of it.

The shell may not be used offensively. If pressed against an unwilling creature, a discernable pressure is formed. If the pressure continues, the shell collapses.

If the caster is larger than the sphere, parts of him may or may not be exposed, at the DM's discretion. The caster may end the spell with a word, or if it is dispelled.

This spell was conceived before TSR reversed its original decision (printed in the Complete Psionics Handbook) and allowed the Anti-Magic Shell spell to block psionics. It is included because the author prefers to use the old rule and feels others might, too.

There is a priestly version of this spell available at the 6th level. It belongs to the spheres of Guardian and Thought.


2nd level

Conjuration / Summoning, Force
RANGE: 10 yards
COMP: VSM (a stick at least 7 inches long)
DUR: Variable
AREA: One sexually mature male human, demi-human, or humanoid
SAVE: Special

This spell creates a small hand that attacks the target of the spell. The hand always hits, but the target may make a CON check to resist the effects of the hand. If he fails, the character is momentarily stunned for one round, unable to do anything but moan softly. If the CON check is made, the target still recieves a initiative penalty of 2 and temporarily loses 2 points of DEX and one point of WIS, all for one round.

After this round, the target must save versus spell or be affected as with a Sleep spell. Those who made the CON check have a 3 point bonus to this save.

The target, if affected by the Sleep, must also roll 3d10. If the total of the dice is either 30 or 3, the target is affected with blindness for 1d4+2 hours, or until a Remove Curse spell is cast upon him.

Eunuchs, and targets wearing Belts of Chastity or similar magic items are unaffected by this spell.

Bigby never released this spell to the general public, but a copy was given to a friend, who gave the copy to another friend, and so on. Even so, it is the least-known spell of Bigby's large collection of Hand spells, and Bigby would prefer to keep it that way.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

Divination, Dimension
DUR: Instantaneous
CAST: 1 round
AREA: See below
SAVE? Special

This spell is similar to Teleportational Track, except that the teleportation had to have occurred last round, and that the information obtained (if any) is good enough to allow any sort of teleportation used the following round to be pinpointed near, or fairly near the destination found, even if the caster has never heard of the place. This spell works through the Prime, Inner, and Ethereal planes, but randomizes like Track does in the Astral and Outer planes.

The pinpointing is always considered never seen, even if the caster has seen the destination before. The wizard does have the option, however, of not casting a teleportation the following round, and using the information in his own head for direction the round afterwards. All other limitations on the Teleportational Track Spell apply to Chase as well.

NOTE: Any teleportation attempted by the caster in the round after the Chase spell will always be focused on or reasonably near the tracked individual's destination, whether the catser wants it to or not, and whether the teleportion is priestly, wizardly, psionic, etc. However, if the range is too great for the chasing method, the teleportaion automatically fails. Certain magical items that only teleport to preset locations may or may not be exempt from the effects of Chase at your DM's discretion.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

Necromancy, Shadow
RANGE: 10 yards
COMP: VSM (a bone from a mummy, or a ball of hair made from some of the hairs of no less than 100 different rats)
DUR: See below
AREA: Creature touched, and creature healing the original target
SAVE? Negates

This horrid spell gives the target the effects of the fourth level spell Contagion, but with an added effect. If healed through the actions of another, the unlucky person who cures the affliction will get a worse one himself! The disease is twice as debilitating, giving -4 to strength, dexterity, charisma, and attack rolls. Complete bed rest for 2d4 weeks is the only safe way to cure this new affliction; if another person assists in the curing, he will contract the same horrible disease.

If the target heals himself through herbalism, a potion, or other unnatural method, the target catches the secondary infection himself.

The original target may save versus spell at -1 to avoid the initial disease, though this (2% chance) may still target the next person who magically cures him of anything in the next 1d3 weeks, giving the unlucky healer the horrible affliction. The original target may catch this, as above.

The disease is not transfered if a curing attempt fails, or if the new victim makes a save versus poison at -2. Also, a wish, or limited wish can be worded to prevent the disease transfer. Plus, an herbalist or psionic may aid in curing while inside an anti-magic shell in order to prevent contagion. Your DM may devise other safe curing methods, or disllow the ones presented here.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

Enchantment (reversable)
COMP: VSM (a vyord crystal worth at least 500gp and a small canvas bag)
DUR: 1d6+(level-8) rounds
AREA: sphere 10 feet in radius per level of the caster above 8

This spell siphons all of the magical energy in a sphere around the caster's current position into a pocket dimension kept closed in the bag (the bag is not consumed). When either the duration ends or the bag is opened, the magic returns. This spell accepts permanency, though the spell will still end if the bag is opened. The magically-drained sphere is fixed with relation to the planet or plane it is cast on; it cannot be cast on an object (like Continual Light can) so that it can be moved about.

Any wizardly spell cast in the area of effect automatically fails. However, wizardly spells that are cast outside the area of effect can affect targets within the area of effect. Priestly magic is unaffected, as are magic items and scrolls.

The reverse of this spell, Restore Magic, counters this spell, has a range of 5 feet per level over 8, and does not require the bag as a component.

There is a priestly version of this spell and its reverse. They spells of 3rd level and belong to the spheres of Guardian, Protection, and Wards.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


4th level

RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a crystal monothot (not consumed))
DUR: 1 round/(level-6), max 10 rounds
AREA: one wizard
SAVE? Negates

This spell causes the target to act like a wild mage for the duration. The caster can cancel the spell at any time with a word. Any spell the target casts is considered as if cast by a wild mage. This can create wild surges, level fluctuations, etc. This does not allow the caster to learn or use wild mage abilities or spells, however. If a wild mage casts this spell, it always fails and creates a wild surge. Wild mages cannot be targets of this spell. Unwilling targets require an attack roll and a failed save vs polymorph to be affected.


4th level

Alteration, Enchantment / Charm, Song
COMP: VSM (a stone from an area once haunted by a Banshee)
DUR: 1 round per level/3 (rounded down)
CAST: 1 round
AREA: up to 10 creatures in a 50' sphere
SAVE? See below

When completed, this spell gives the caster a huge lungful of air, which the caster uses to scream a seemingly unending battle cry, starting the next round. This cry affects up to 10 creatures as follows.

The caster is given 5 negative points and 5 positive points to distribute. He can only give a creature in range either positive or negative points, and only a maximum of 2 positive or 3 negative points. This represents the affect of the cry on the chosen subject, each positive point being a morale boosting effect of +1 to hit and damage, & each negative point being a morale draining effect of -1 to hit and damage.

The caster can change the recipients of the points at the begining of each round, but at no other time, and the caster may or may not be a recipient. All points need not be expended each round. The spell either ends after the duration expires, when the caster takes more than 10% of his total hit points from a single attack (adjusted by 10% for every positive point that the caster bestows upon himself,) if silenced by a gas attack, the Choke spell, magical silence, etc, or when the caster decides to end it himself by closing his mouth.

The target(s) may make magic resistance checks and saving throws versus polymorph (at a penalty equal to double the amount of points of either type directed at them) when first targeted, or if the caster changes the amount of points directed at them.

This spell was created by Lord Urik of Aldeemah (not to be confused with the Lord Urik of ancient times that the Urik River in the Reems is named for). It was Urik's attempt to imitate the awful power of a Banshee's wail. (Apparently he never heard of the spell Wail of the Banshee, which is almost an exact duplication of the Banshee's scream.)

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


4th level

Alteration, Enchantment
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a pinch of ground up pixie wing)
DUR: Number of rounds equal to the caster's level divided by 3, rounded down, minimum 1
CAST: 1 round
AREA: 1 creature
SAVE? Negates

The target of this spell gets an improved form of the invisibility spell. With a thought, the invisibility can be turned off or on, a maximum of five times a round. This cannot occur while being attacked. All uses of the on-and-off ability must be declared at the start of the round. The target cannot find out that an ogre is about to attack him and then turn invisible to thwart him; the spell does not function that instantaneously. If, however, the ogre was charging him from a distance of 50 feet, it could be allowed.

Attacking does not cancel the spell, though the victim of the attack is able to see the invisible attacker for the remainder of the round, or until the invisible creature turns the invisibility off, then on again.

A second form of this spell gives the target flight (MV/3, C), and invisibility that can be switched on and off only 3 times a round. Attacking while invisible causes the invisibility to fail completely until the next round. If any of the three switches were not used before the cancellation of the invisiblity by attack, they are lost. In either form, any switches unused from one round are wasted, and not cumulative with the next round(s).


1st level

Evocation (reversable)
DUR: 1 hour/level
AREA: 5 lbs within 10'/level

When the spell is first cast, it creates 1d6 "strings" in the caster's mind. With the same gesture that casts the spell, he can cause a string to shoot out and grab hold of an object in range and pull it to the catser's hand. Anything physical, psionic, or magical passing through the string will break it. Only the caster can see the string, although detect magic will cause them to become visible. The caster radiates magic when he is holding uncast strings. The spell ends when all strings are cast, or when the duration expires.

The reverse of the spell, Quaron's Ale Remover, creates strings that push away objects as far as the area of effect states. The object to be pushed must start out in the caster's hand. The reverse has the same limitations as the original spell.

Both the Ale Fetcher and its reverse can function at the same time in the same person. Quaron, an ale loving invoker, used this spell mainly to filcher his favorite brew when low on funds.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

RANGE: 5 feet/level
DUR: 1 hour/level
SAVE? Special

This is an improvement over the 1st level spell Quaron's Ale Fetcher. With the conclusion of this spell, 1d6 "grapple lines" appear in the caster's mind, similar to the "strings" of the original spell. With a gesture, the grapple line shoots out and grabs an object or creature the caster chooses, as long as it is in range of the line. Creatures are allowed a Dexterity check to avoid the line, but no save, although magic resistance may apply. The item or creature must be 25 pounds or less, and creatures must be size S or smaller for the grapple line to affect them. If the item is greater than 25 pounds, the caster is pulled to the item at his normal movement rate. If a targeted creature is greater than size S, the line disappears. Otherwise, the item or creature is drawn to the caster at the caster's normal movement rate. The line is invisible, except to a detect magic spell, which will make cast lines visible, and make casters holding lines radiate magic. The line can be broken by anything passing through the space occupied by the line of a physical nature, except the target's body and equipment, if the target is a creature.

The accepted story behind this spell is that Quaron developed it to purlion even greater quantities of his favorite drink at once, but it likely was a variation on the original Ale Fetcher by a different mage altogether. This spell, unlike its lesser predecessor, has no reverse spell.


1st level

Evocation, Alchemy
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (container of soapy water with 100gp of ground spices and the ground-up remains of three dead locusts)
DUR: 1 round/level
AREA: 10 feet/level radius sphere
SAVE? None

Cast on a container of soapy water, this spell makes the water continuously bubble forth little (1 inch diameter) indestrucable soap bubbles. Each round, the bubbles fill a sphere 10 feet in radius more than the last round (Ex: round 1- 10 foot radius; round 7- 70 foot radius.) The bubbles can only be popped by a magical slashing or piercing weapon or by spraying them with Holy or Unholy Water. The bubbles do not impede movement, but they do decrease vision to 5 feet, 2 feet if infravision is in use.

Fire-based spells cast in the area cause the bubbles caught in the blast to pop. Cold-based spells will freeze the bubbles and make them fall to the ground and shatter. High winds and precipitation can disperse the bubbles, but not pop them.

The amount of water must be at least 1 cup of water for every round. If there is not enough water, the spell will end early. In addition, the caster can end the spell at any time with a word. When the spell ends, the bubble stream will stop, and all of the bubbles will lose their indestructability and pop within the next round. A successful Dispel Magic cast on the bubbling container will have the same effect.

This simple spell was developed by Quaron both to use some of the many locust carcases that pile up when he's being bugged by them, and to amuse his favorite neice when she was a toddler.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


9th level

Evocation (Wild)
RANGE: 5 yards
COMP: VSM (750gp blue diamond imbeded in a rubber ball)
DUR: See below
AREA: See below
SAVE? 1/2 damage

This spell targets one creature in range and zaps it for 1d10/level points damage. It then targets another creature within 5 yards and zaps it for the same amount of damage. This continues until a target has no more eligible targets in 5 yards. Ineligible targets include creatures already hit, the caster, and those touching the caster when he/she casts the spell. The caster cannot control the spell's direction beyond the first target.

The spell strikes 5 creatures per round. (Roll initiative for the first strike that round, then add two to the roll for the second strike, and so on until all five are made.) Undead take 2d6 damage / level. Non-corporeal creatures, and those who make their magic resistance check take no damage, but can be targeted and rebounded from normally. Saves are made vs the target's wisdom.

This particular spell was the result of Quaron's experimentation with the fundamentals of wild magic. Even though it is not technically a wild spell, Wild Mages may treat it as such for purposes of learning, saves, etc.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

Evocation, Artifice
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (crafted wand of at least 350gp, nonmagical, made for this purpose)
DUR: 1 hour/level, max 12 hours
CAST: 1 turn
AREA: One wand, as above

This spell causes a magical aura to form around and inside the wand. The wand can now be used to strike undead as a +1 weapon for 1d4+1 damage. Also, use of the wand can be substituted for the somatic components in a spell that also has verbal components. The spell's casting time must be less than (and not equal to) one round, and it reduces the casting time by 1 (min. cast. time 1). People using spellcraft only succeed at -4, and then only if in earshot.

A successful dispel magic on the wand causes it to explode, causing 2d4 damage in a 2 foot sphere and destroying the wand. An attempt to apply permanency to the wand seems successful, but the wand becomes unstable in 2d4 weeks, exploding for 4d6 damage in a 10' sphere when first used in a spell after going unstable.

The wand strongly radiates magic when envoked, but seems ordinary to simple appraisal. This spell was one of Quaron's first that bordered on the edge of the fundamentals of evocation. In fact, it is also considered a spell of artifice, as well as evocation. Other spells, such as his Dynamics of Doom, have pushed the limits of evocation even further.


4th level

RANGE: 5'/level, max 100'
COMP: VSM (several dead gnats and a magnet)
DUR: 1d6 rounds + 1 round/level
AREA: 1 creature

This spell creates a magical, glowing swarm of gnats to appear and swarm around the target. The swarm seems to bite and irritate the victim, though no actual damage takes place. This swarm interferes with spellcasting unless the spellcasting target makes a dexterity check for each spell attempted. The gnats' glow gives the target a -2 to attack and negates dexterity bonuses. Attackers gain +2 to hit the target.

If no other action is taken, the swarm can be beaten off. Druids, rangers, and characters with outdoorsy kits can beat off their swarm in 1d3 rounds. Priests and bards take 1d4+1 rounds, while all others take 1d4+3 rounds. Unintelligent monsters usually take 2d4 rounds. Beating off a swarm takes up all of a charcter's time, so he can take no other actions. Beaters also have -1 to saves, and characters attacking them gain +3 instead of +2.

This spell neagtes infravision. Undead do not suffer attack penalties, and usually ignore the swarm, although attack bonuses toward them still apply. Non-corporeal creatures cannot be targeted. All non-undead targets automatically lose initiative due to the confusing swirl about them.

Quaron hates gnats, and takes delight in killing them in interesting ways. He developed this spell to put their carcasses to good use.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


3rd level

Conjuration, Geometry, Fire
RANGE: 10 yards
COMP: VSM (an obsidian stone)
DUR: 1d4 rounds plus one round for every level of the caster over 4 (max 20)
AREA: One fire at least the size of a regular campfire, or one fire elemental
SAVE? See below

This spell conjures a long snake made of smoke, with its base in the fire or elemental it was conjured from. It is 10 yards long, plus one yard per level of the caster, with a maximum length of 25 yards. The snake has 2d8 hit points, but can only be hit by magical weapons of +1 or more. If a fire elemental that is not under control by the caster is targeted, the creature may save to prevent the formation of the snake from its body.

Once a round, the snake can be commanded to strike any person it can reach. The snake, being made of smoke, has the ability to ignore porous armors, as if they weren't there (leather or chainmail-clad targets are treated as if AC10 (plus or minus magical bonuses from rings, dexterity, or even the armor), but platemail-wearers are treated normally.) If the snake hits, it causes 2d4 points damage and injects a smoke venom. Unless a save versus poison is made, the victim is confused, like the priest spell Confusion. A second hit with venom upgrades the confusion to the level of the priest spell Chaos. Any more venom hits only add 2 rounds more to the duration of the effect.

An attack by a smoke snake is considered a magical fire attack when the target is an elemental mage.

There is a priestly version of this spell available at the 2nd level. It belongs to the sphere of Elemental Fire.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

Divination, Dimension
RANGE: 10'
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: See below
SAVE? See below

This spell can only be used at the scene of a teleportation that occurred no more than 2 rounds ago. It can be used only on instantaneous methods of transport, such as Teleport, Dimension Door, or Word of Recall. It can't be used on non-instant transportaion, such as Shadow Walk or Dream Travel. The spell gives the caster the information the teleporter knew to reach the destination (such as "Elmhold Square", "the deck of that ship over there", or "my living room"). This information is only gained, however, if the teleporter does not make a save vs. spell, with a 1 pt bonus for every level that the teleporter is higher than the tracker, or a 4 point bonus if the teleportation is psionic (no level difference bonuses). The tracker learns nothing if the save is succesful- the teleporter left no interdimensional ruptures to track to the destination.

This spell may only be cast on the Prime Material, or else it randomizes, giving a random point on whatever plane the tracker is on.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

Enchantment, Artifice
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (sand from an hourglass)
DUR: 24 hours
AREA: one arrow or bolt

This spell enchants an arrow or bolt so that it freezes in time and space after it is fired. The spell is cast on an arrow which must then be fired in the next two rounds or the magic is lost. The arrow may be enspelled (as per the Complete Book of Elves) or magical.

The arrow stops just beyond what fired it, and remains there until one of the following occurs:

When one of those three things occurs, the arrow resumes its normal flight pattern, as if it had just been fired. If a creature is in the line of fire, use the firer's THAC0 with a 2-point bonus to determine if a hit was made.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


3rd level

Enchantment, Mentalism, Song (reversable)
RANGE: 10 yards/lvl
COMP: VSM (a hair pulled from the head of someone telling a lie (or a truth for the reverse spell))
DUR: 1 turn/3 levels
AREA: one creature per 3 levels
SAVE? Negates

This spell causes the target to be completely unbelievable to whoever they meet. Only people using Aura sight, True seeing, or a similar spell can see the aura tampering, but still tend to disbeleive the target (save vs. spell for every statement). Dispel Magic, Alter Aura, Disguise Aura, or Remove Curse can be used to remove the aura.

The reverse of this spell, Credible Aura, grants the reciepient a +3 bonus to charisma, to a maximum of 19. The same spells that can see past or remove the Unbelievable Aura can also see past or remove the Credible Aura.

Both of these Aura spells cancel each other out if cast on the same individual.

This spell has been split into two different spells for the 3rd edition.


4th level

Alteration, Illusion / Phantasm
RANGE: 10 yards/level
COMP: VSM (a square of the finest white silk, worth about 250gp)
DUR: Half an hour/level
AREA: 5 feet/level
SAVE? None

This alteration on the Vacancy spell creates a straight wall up to 5 feet long per level of the spellcaster. The wall's ends need not touch another wall or any other support, though it is helpful if they do. When cast, the wizard chooses a direction from which the wall will be effective. When viewed from the chosen side, the wall is visibly undetectable, and any living animal-like creature on the other side of the wall cannot be seen, as if they were cloaked by the Invisibility spell. From the other side, a faint shimmer can be seen where the wall is, and creatures on the other side may be seen normally. Plant- and fungi-based creatures, elementals, galeb duhr, golems (except Flesh Golems), tarrasques, and certain other exotic creatures cannot be masked by the wall.

Crossing through the wall does not break it, neither does attacking through it by missle, melee, magic, or psionics. Casting Detect Magic allows the caster to see a faint shimmering where the wall is, as if he was viewing it from the other side.

The spell ends after half an hour passes for each level of the spellcaster. In addition, the spellcaster can end it any time with a word.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.

AD&D Famous Last Words: "Those Orcs couldn't hit an elephant at thi-"
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