Spells for the Priestly Inclined

Table of Contents
Spell Level Sphere(s)
Anti-Psionics Shell 5th Thought (Guardian)
Drain Magic 3rd Guardian, Protection, Wards
The Grotto of Krynhoth 2nd Elemental Earth, Travelers
The Holy Word of Krynhoth 3rd Animals
Ownership 4th Guardian, Travelers
Save the Soul 6th Guardian, Necromancy
Smoke Snake 2nd Elemental Fire
Smooth Ride 1st Travelers
Summon Ruhl 5th Numbers
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5th level

Abjuration, Mentalism
SPHERES: Thought (and Guardian at 6th level)
DUR: 1 turn/level
AREA: 1 foot/level

This spell creates a spherical barrier around the caster that moves with him. Inside this area, psionics and psionic effects cannot exist. Psionic creatures or people cannot use any psionic powers while inside its bounds nor affect anything inside it. Psionic items are nonfunctional inside the sphere, though they become normal when brought back outside of it.

The shell may not be used offensively. If pressed against an unwilling creature, a discernable pressure is formed. If the pressure continues, the shell collapses.

If the caster is larger than the sphere, parts of him may or may not be exposed, at the DM's discretion. The caster may end the spell with a word.

A wizardly version of this spell exists. It is a 6th level spell.


3rd level

Enchantment (reversable)
SPHERES: Guardian, Protection, Wards
COMP: VSM (a vyord crystal worth at least 500gp and a small canvas bag)
DUR: 1d6+(level-4) rounds
AREA: sphere 10 feet in radius per level of the caster above 4

This spell siphons all of the magical energy in a sphere around the caster's current position into a pocket dimension kept closed in the bag (the bag is not consumed). When either the duration ends or the bag is opened, the magic returns. Unlike the wizardly version of this spell, it does not accept permanency. The magically-drained sphere is fixed with relation to the planet or plane it is cast on; it cannot be cast on an object (like Continual Light can) so that it can be moved about.

Any wizardly spell cast in the area of effect automatically fails. However, wizardly spells that are cast outside the area of effect can affect targets within the area of effect. Priestly magic is unaffected, as are magic items and scrolls.

The reverse of this spell, Restore Magic, counters this spell, has a range of 5 feet per level over 8, and does not require the bag as a component.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

SPHERES: Elemental Earth, Travelers
RANGE: 10 feet
COMP: VSM (small quartz crystal placed in the center of the desired opening)
DUR: 24 hours
CAST: 1 to 10 rounds
AREA: see below

The Grotto of Krynhoth is a spell developed by the Druid/Mage Alax Krynhoth. It is mainly used for temporary residences, but can be put to other means, such as hiding treasure.

The verbal and somatic components are not difficult, and can be easily accomplished for the entire 10 round possible duration.

This spell shifts rock or dirt from the Prime Material to the Elemental Plane of Earth for a duration of 24 hours, after which it slides back as slowly as it left. For every round of casting, the dimensions of the grotto are increased by 10 feet on a side (the grotto is always cubical). Therefore, a one-round grotto would be 10 X 10 X 10, but a 10 round grotto is 100 X 100 X 100. Also, in the first round, an opening can be made from the quartz to any point on the cube, as long as the passage created could fit inside a 10 X 10 X 10 cube. When the duration expires, the dirt or rock is slowly shifted back to the home plane, so unnoticably in fact, that sleeping characters can easily be caught in it and sealed up with the rest of it. Some preists have used this aspect of the spell to entrap enemies, or bury treasure, as anything caught in the spell is automatically killed, but extremely well preserved (imagine trying to burrow through 100 feet of rock for someone's treasure...).

The Grotto can only be cast on areas completely filled with either dirt, rock, or a combination of both. If any other substance is encountered, such as an air pocket or underground stream, the spell immediately stops, as if the preist had decided to stop casting the spell at that moment.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


3rd level

SPHERES: Animals
DUR: 1d8+2 rounds
AREA: Sphere with a radius of 10 yards per 2 levels over 3, max 100 yards (10 yds at 5th level, 30 yds. at 10th level, etc.)
SAVE? Negates

This spell causes any normal (non-magical, non-charmed, without special innate abilities) animals in the area to stop and stare at the caster stupidly, as if in awe. The caster, in the next round, may give the animals a one or two-word simple command that the animals will follow to the best of their ability. A command may be "Sleep", "Attack him" (with a finger pointed at the intended victim), "Come here", or "Leave". Commands such as "Die" or other actions that are violently against the animals' nature will not be followed, but the animals will still accept another command. Up to 3 different commands may be attempted, once each round. If the caster does not make a command one round, the animals will continue to follow the earlier command.

The spell ends if the duration expires, more than one command is given in a round, or if a fourth command is attempted. Animals that save versus spell at the start of the spell are not affected by it or any command.

This spell was discovered by the Druid/Mage Alax Kynhoth after about 30 years of searching, and Hydim gave the spell his name to honor him for the accomplishment. (And later made Alax his avatar.)

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


4th level

Enchantment, Abjuration
SPHERES: Guardian, Travelers
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (5 hairs from a dog's head)
DUR: One hour/level, maximum 24 hours
CAST: 1 turn
AREA: One item
SAVE? None

This spell enchants one item touched so that it becomes both invisible and immobile, except to creatures of demi-god or higher status, and to the item's owner (theives, beware!) It remains this way until the spell expires or someone moves the item. The item can be placed anywhere, even in open air- it will not fall unless moved by a creature who can, or when the spell expires. The item also gains indestructability except if a dispel magic is cast on that particular property of the item (any dispel attempts on other properties of the spell or the enire spell automatically fail).

If the item has no true owner (such as a tree in the woods, or a rock in the road), the spell fails, unless the caster calls the item his own and stays within 5 feet of it at all times for 24 hours prior to casting the spell (the caster is then considered the owner).

A maximum of 10 square yards can be masked by this spell, with no weight limit, as long as it is smaller than the maximum size and is one integral unit (e.g. a door with a window and two locks and hinges, a bag with 100 gp inside, but not three wagons stacked on each other, or two bricks held together by an Unseen Servant.)

This spell was originally designed to settle claims between fueding people claiming to own something the other stole. The priest would cast Ownership on the item and the rightful owner would come up and be able to take the item home.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


6th level

SPHERES: Guardian, Necromancy
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (holy symbol and holy water)
DUR: Instantaneous
CAST: 1 round
AREA: one creature at negative hit points

This spell has two possible functions that can be used to save a creature/person at negative hit points under the "Hovering at Death's Door" rule.

First, the spell can act as a Cure spell, restoring the victim to one hit point and no more, etc.

Second, the spell can cause the life force of the victim to leave the body and form either a Spirit or Spiritess, an AC 0 creature with hit points and hit dice equal to the victim's at full health. The Spirit is intangible and needs no food, can turn invisible at will, and can only be hit by weapons of +2 or greater enchantment. It can't be turned by preists, and cannot attack or injure anything, even another Spirit. The Spirit remains controlled by the player. The Spiritess cannot use any class or racial abilities, either, except those that do not require physical involvment (Eg. Turning undead, spellcasting, and picking locks are impossible, but detecting evil, seeing a concealed door by accident, or determining direction underground can still be done). The Spirit has 50% magic resistance, and 1/10 normal full health hit points, rounded up. Any energy drain attack, Limited Wish, Wish, or other event that causes instant death (such as a medusa's gaze, or a succesful Power Word Kill spell) kills the Spirit instantly. The body of a victim of a Save the Soul spell cannot be spoken with, raised, etc, unless the Spirit is within two feet, or the Spirit created was slain.

The Spirit must either be the target of a Resurrection, Reincarnate, Raise Dead, or 5 consecutive Heal spells to return to physical form, and the latter two require that the Spirit be within 2 feet of his former, whole, body. The Heal method leaves the newly resurrected person/creature as incapacitated as if the victim of a Raise Dead spell. The other methods act as if it was a normal casting of the specified spell.

The other way to return a Spirit to physical form is by finding a freshly dead corpse of a type that is appropriate to the Spirit's class. The Spirit puts its form into the corpse's form while someone else casts the wizard spell mending, or any healing or regenerative spell on the corpse. The corpse is then brought to life with the Spirit as its new controller. The physical stats (CON, STR, and DEX) usually change, and charisma is often modified, but intelligence and wisdom remain the same. The body, if of a lesser level than the Spirit was, changes to be halfway to the Spirit's actual level. The XP drops to the midpoint of the new level, but the PC keeps his actual HD and abilities. He/she doesn't gain any new levels until his/her XP total warrants such. There may or may not be new level limits, or the loss or gaining of new racial powers, as determined by the new form. If the body is of equal or greater level, no ability or XP adjustments are necessary.

The Spirit must be restored to life somehow within 1d4+(level of the Spirit) days, or the Spirit fades away, never again to be called or affected by any spell short of a wish.


2nd level

Conjuration, Geometry, Fire
SPHERES: Elemental Fire
RANGE: 10 yards
COMP: VSM (an obsidian stone)
DUR: 1d4 rounds plus one round for every level of the caster over 2 (max 20)
AREA: One fire at least the size of a regular campfire, or one fire elemental
SAVE? Negates (Fire Elemental only)

This spell conjures a long snake made of smoke, with its base in the fire or elemental it was conjured from. Its length is 10 yards plus one yard per level of the caster, with a maximum length of 25 yards. The snake has 2d8 hit points, but can only be hit by magical weapons of +1 or more. If a fire elemental that is not under control by the caster is targeted, the creature may save to prevent the formation of the snake from its body.

Once a round, the snake can be commanded to strike any person it can reach. The snake, being made of smoke, has the ability to ignore porous armors, as if they weren't there (leather or chainmail-clad targets are treated as if AC10 (plus or minus magical bonuses from rings, dexterity, or even the armor), but platemail-wearers are treated normally.) If the snake hits, it causes 2d4 points damage and injects a smoke venom. Unless a save versus poison is made, the victim is confused, like the priest spell Confusion. A second hit with venom upgrades the confusion to the level of the priest spell Chaos. Any more venom hits only add 2 rounds more to the duration of the effect.

An attack by a smoke snake is considered a magical fire attack when the target is an elemental mage.

There also exists a wizardly version of this spell, which exists at the 3rd level.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


1st level

SPHERES: Travelers
RANGE: 10 yards
COMP: VSM (a small lump of iron in the shape of a smooth ball (ball bearing))
DUR: 1 hour/level
CAST: 1 round
AREA: 1 vehicle of transportation
SAVE? None

This spell makes any vehicle, no matter what the condition of the terrain, ride smoothly. It is cancelled after one hour per level of the priest, or if the vehicle is rocked or turned over by assault, or if it tries to travel over terrain impossible for the vehicle to traverse (a wagon trying to float, or a boat being dragged accross land), or if the terrain becomes incredibly rugged (a boat in a gale, or a cart climbing a recent rockslide with many potholes and large rocks). This spell will work on everything from canoes to flying carpets to elevators.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

SPHERES: Numbers
COMP: VSM (Holy symbol, any nonliving item that the target owns worth 100gp or more (or else the most expensive item the target owns) that shatters when the target makes his attack)
DUR: 1 round
RANGE: Touch
AREA: Sentient creature touched
CAST: 1 round
SAVE? Negates and prevents destruction of the item used as a spell component (only if the target suddenly changes his/her mind after when the spell is cast)

This spell gives the target exactly one attack, with whatever hand-held melee weapon he/she desires and gives him/her an automatic hit (unless killed first) that gives automatic quadruple maximum damage, even quadrupling any magical pluses (or minuses) on the weapon. If the target could not normally be hit by the weapon (e.g. a werewolf being attacked with a regular crossbow bolt, or a vampiric mist being attacked by a thrown rock,) the attack still hits, but only doubles the maximum damage and magical bonuses. The magic of the spell is such that the power makes the attacker look "more real" (kinda like the elven ability of Manifestation) and also overwhelms him so that his attack occurs last in the next round.)

This spell accomplishes its amazing feat by sending out a "numerical windstorm" that rearranges the numerical formulas of the area in such a way that the impossible is accomplished.

The name of this spell comes from the expression "trying to raise Ruhl," meaning to try to accomplish the impossible. Ruhl, once co-capital of the Empire of Aldeemah-Ruhl, was overrun several centuries ago and was made completely uninhabitable. When used in other campaigns, this spell can be renamed for another similarly destroyed place, or renamed to "The Holy Heroic Blow" or a similarly pompous name.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.

AD&D Famous Last Words: "Oh Shit!"
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