The School of Disjunction

Disjunction is a new school of magic that specializes in destroying things. It was created by a race of evil super-beings called Demio. Though some of the lower-level ones can be beneficial, the school is looked on with distate or hatred by most of the world. Those who practice it (or, heaven forbid, specialize in it) should take care to do it in private, unless they happen to like angry mobs crying for their blood.

Due to the ostracism of the school by the entire world, no disjunction spell can ever be available through a different school. However, in case a DM doesn't want to include an entirely new school in his campaign, each spell includes suggestions for alternate schools of magic from which the spell could be available.

Table of Contents
Spell Level Alternate School(s)
The Affliction of Toruna 4th Enchantment, Mentalism
Amberlei's Imperial Assassin 7th Dimension, Summoning
Decay of the Demio 9th Necromancy
Destroy the Ties That Bind 8th Alteration, Geometry, Summoning
Fester Wound 2nd Necromancy
Jalakala 9th Abjuration, Alteration, Necromancy
Scatterfocus 2nd Enchantment, Illusion / Phantasm, Mentalism, Song
Scatterlight 1st Alteration, Shadow
Scattermind 5th Enchantment, Mentalism, Song
Scatterspell 7th Abjuration
Scatterthought 2nd Enchantment, Mentalism, Song
Scatterwave 2nd Alteration, Water
Speed Decay 1st Alchemy, Alteration
Trigger 5th Artifice, Enchantment
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4th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Enchantment, Mentalism)
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a torunish monothot (consumed))
DUR: 1 round/level, max 20 rounds
AREA: one spellcaster
SAVE? Negates

This spell, based on the ability of the mythical land of Toruna to prevent spellcasting, is designed to hamper spellcasters. It creates a slight imbalance in their memorized spells, causing the target to make an intelligence check each time he/she casts a spell. If the check fails, the caster has "misread" the spell in his mind and the spell fails. The target can save vs spell to negate this spell outright.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


7th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Dimension, Summoning)
RANGE: 10'
COMP: VSM (a hair from a displacer beast and a hair from the target)
DUR: 2d4 rounds
CAST: 1 round
AREA: Special

This spell creates a movable breach of the fabric of the universe keyed to a certain creature or person (the target). This breach is usually moved by an air elemental conjured for the purpose. It can pass through any physical obstacle and appears as a formless "hole" in midair. Whoever weilds the breach can "attack" the target as hitting AC 12. If it "hits", the target must make a Dexterity check at -2 or be pulled into the breach, sealing it up and killing the target instantly. Only a wish can revive or contact the target, that is now part of the fabric of the universe. This spell permanently lowers the caster's CON by 1, and temporarily halves the caster's CON for the spell's duration plus one round.

This spell is named for the only use Amberlei ever put it to- the assassination of Emperor Antonio I of Aldeemah-Ruhl. It made Amberlei, a specialist disjoiner, one of the most reviled men in history, and practically hammered the last nail in the school of disjunction's coffin. Even hundreds of years later, people still burn "disjoiners" at the stake in "retaliation" for that assassination.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


9th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Necromancy)
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (the cloth from a wight's clothing and a specially crafted blue sapphire with the words "Decay of the Demio" etched into it, worth no less than 2000gp
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: one limb of a demi-human or human

This insidious spell's somatic component is a finger touching the base of the limb to be affected. The limb so affected becomes, in a matter of seconds, wracked with pain as it shrivels and becomes black with rot. The damage is minor, only 10% of the target's total hit points, but it gets worse. The limb will still be normally attached to the target, and it must be hacked off, causing more damage as the DM sees fit. The limb lost can be as large as the entire leg, or as small as the last third of the pinky finger.

The limb destroyed cannot be recovered except via a wish, in which case the wisher must wish to give the target his limb. This causes the target's limb to grow back as the wisher's limb starts to rot as if this spell was just cast on it.

This spell is also known as The Harlot's Curse, as a wiley female disjoiner disguised as a prostitute, about 200 years back, frequently used this spell to relieve several of her male customers of the rather important limb they had below their waist.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


8th level

Disjunction (reversable) (Alternatives: Alteration, Geometry, Summoning)
RANGE: 1 yard/level
COMP: VSM (see below)
DUR: Permanent
CAST: 1 round
AREA: one elemental
SAVE? Negates

This spell ages the caster 5 years when cast. It insidiously destoys the connection the elemental has with its native plane & makes it a permanent resident of the prime material plane, completely under the control of the caster (no concentration needed). Roll d% when the spell is cast, modified with +1 for every point of intelligence of the caster, and -1 for each Hit Die of the elemental. 01-10 indicates the elemental did not survive the transformation. 11-20 indicates that the elemental was almost destroyed, but was instead shunted back to its home plane. 21-25 indicates that only the magic controlling the elemental was disjoined, making it free-willed and probably very angry. 26-30 indicates that the ties that bind the elemental have been strengthened (like a failed attempt at dispel magic), but the elemental is still tied to its plane. 31-00 indicates a successful casting of the spell.

The elemental will live 20+1d4 years, or until its new master dies. The elemental must not stray farther than 100' or the caster, or the site of the destruction of the ties, or it will immediately perish. Disjoiners therefore tend to cast this spell at their lair.

The ties that bind the elemental to the caster can be targeted by a dispel magic, but will only release the elemental 10% of the time (assuming the dispel attempt was successful), at which time it will die in 3d4 rounds unless it is returned to its plane of origin.

The reverse of the spell, Restore the Ties That Bind, sends any elemental to its home plane and does not age the caster. If the elemental has been made a resident of the prime material, Restore has no effect 95% of the time, the other 5% transfering the power over the elemental to the caster.


2nd level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Necromancy)
RANGE: 5'/level
COMP: VSM (bone of a creature that died less than 2 weeks ago)
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: one creature with unbound wounds
SAVE? see below

This spell takes every open (unbound) wound on the creature and disjoins the tissue so that it is damaged further and left more succeptable to disease. For each unbound wound (every hit that caused any loss of hit points that hasn't been tended to yet), the victim loses 2hp, and has a 10% cumulative chance per wound that he contracts a disease in the next 2 days (paladins are immune to this aspect of the spell, as they are immune to diseases). The disease is determined by the DM and is always nonmagical. If the target succeeds a save vs spell, the damage is only 1hp per wound with no extra chance for diseases.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


9th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Abjuration, Alteration, Necromancy)
COMP: VSM (a specially crafted gem worth no less than 5000gp engraved with the name of the race or species that will be affected, and a dead corpse of the race or species)
DUR: 1 day/level
CAST: 1 day
AREA: 10'sphere/level

This spell, sadly, readily accepts Permanency. The area affected by this spell becomes disjoined to the extent that one demi-human race, or one species of animal (magical or not) cannot enter the area, or die. The creatures so affected will sense that the area is "not all right" and will seek to avoid it. If approached cautiously, the spell delivers 4d10 points of damage to the creature that it wards against. If the internal warnings go unheeded, or the creature cannot prevent itself from entering the area, it is killed outright. Charmed creatures told to go into a dangerous Jalakala are immediately uncharmed due to the oposition felt in the core of their beings.

There cannot be any living examples of the race or species to be warded from in the area when the spell is cast, or it fails. Only one Jalakala spell can be operating in one area at a time. A second Jalakala attempt will always fail.

The spell can be keyed very specifically or very broadly, though not extremely broadly. For example, an Elf Jalakala would turn away Drow and Grey Elves, but a Sylvan Elf Jalakala would turn away and affect neither. An All Undead Jalakala is acceptable, as is an All Wolf Jalakala, but an All Canine Jalakala transcends species boundaries too much to be used. Hybrids are only affected by Jalakala's aimed specifically at them. Hence, a Half-Sylvan Elf would not fear the Sylvan Elf Jalakala spoke of above.

A version of this spell, now long lost, was used by the Demio to render the once-gleaming city of Ruhl into a monster-ridden hellhole. The spell was cast after the city was sacked and all its inhabitants removed, and it was powerful enough to prohibit the entry of every major human, humanoid, and demi-human race, save the Demio. Some unconfirmed reports even indicated that the city was not devoid of every inhabitant, and that those who were inside when the spell was cast were either killed or transformed into some of the grotesque monstrosities that now live there. Thankfully, the secret of this spell was lost when the Demio were defeated.... though some doom cultists say it can be found again.

A few spells exist that counter the effects of Jalakala. They can be viewed by clicking here. Magical items that provide similar protection can be found here.


2nd level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Enchantment, Illusion/Phantasm, Mentalism, Song)
RANGE: 20'/level, max 200'
COMP: VSM (a crystal monothot (consumed))
DUR: 1 round
AREA: any crowd focused on something in particular

This useful spell causes any crowd (usually rowdy) to temporarily misplace the focus of its intent. Roughly 1/3 misplace it to their left, 1/3 misplace it to the right, and the rest completely lose it, usually stopping where they are for the round until the spell wears off. The focus of a dragon chasing them, the party they are chasing after, or the bard they are mesmerized by, are all acceptable focii to scatter. An army that's encircling the group, however, is not, as it is not a centralized focus.

The spell cannot affect people with 18 or above intelligence, those 5th level or above, or groups of non-humanoid monsters. It has a maximum effectiveness of 100 people. Even though the spell is designed to affect large groups of people, it can also be cast on as few as 2 people.


1st level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Alteration, Shadow)
RANGE: 10'/level
COMP: VSM (a white and black stone)
DUR: 1d4 rounds, + 1 round/level
AREA: 10'/level sphere

This spell scatters the light in the area so that half is 2X as bright, and the other half is 1/2 as bright. The caster determines what areas are affected either way. The reverse can be cast on dark areas, and is known as Scattershadow. It causes half of the area to be 1/2 as dark, and the other half to be 2X as dark, as determined by the caster.

This spell has been split into two different versions for the 3rd edition.


5th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Enchantment, Song, Mentalism)
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (one Torunish monothot (consumed))
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: one wizard
SAVE? See below

The spell scattermind is the bane of every wizard that comes against it. The spell always steals some spells from the mind of the target.

If the wizard fails a save vs spell, 1d4+1 spells are taken from the highest levels the target has memorized, as long as the caster can also cast spells of that level (Ex. Wynstyn, a 9th level mage, uses this spell on Rod, a 12th level mage. Rod fails his save, but keeps his 6th level spell, losing only his remaining 5th level spell and 2 4th level spells).

If the save is made, the target loses 1d4 spells chosen randomly from all the spell levels that the caster also has access to (Ex. if Rod had made his save, he would only have lost 2 spells, and neither one could be the 6th level spell that Wynstyn doesn't have access to yet).

If the target makes his save, he can also make an intelligence check. If the check succeeds, then the spells lost will come from the target's lowest spell levels. The target can forgo this check if he wishes, but he must decide before he knows how many spells are to be drained (Ex. If Rod made his save and an intelligence check, he would have lost 2 of his 3 remaining 1st level spells, however, Rod, not knowing if the die had rolled 4 which would have meant that he would have also lost his only 2nd level spell, decides not to try it, as he wants to use that 2nd level spell next round).

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


7th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Abjuration)
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (fingernail of a drow and a hair from a wild mage)
DUR: Permanent until activated
CAST: 1 round

This spell wards the creature against a direct spell attack or spell-like ability. The spell may be area-effect or targeted, but not incedental, although incedental spells do not trigger this spell. (e.g. a fireball flames around the warded creature without damaging it, an acid arrow fizzles uselessly, but an earthquake still damages the recipient, although he can still face the creeping horror next round without fear.) This spell ages the caster one year unless he casts it on someone else.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Enchantment, Mentalism, Song)
RANGE: 5' per level (max 50')
DUR: 20-intelligence of target rounds
AREA: one creature
SAVE? negates

This spell disjoins the target's thoughts so that it must always think a few seconds before doing anything. Stat-wise, this means that the target has temporary -1 to dex, -1 to all saves and +2 to initiative. The victim suffers no effects if he/she makes a save vs spell with a bonus or penalty. Use the Dexterity table, but substitute the victim's Wisdom score. A -2 AC adjustment = +2 to save, a +1 to AC = -1 to the save, etc.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


2nd level

Disjunction (reversable) (Alternatives: Alteration, Water)
RANGE: 10'/level
COMP: VSM (vial of seawater (vial not consumed, water is))
DUR: 1d4+1 round/2levels (1d4+1 at 3rd, 1d4+5 at 10th)
CAST: 1 round
AREA: sphere 100'/level
SAVE? See below

This spell disrupts an area of waves, making it one class lower in the area of effect. The reverse, Scattercalm, makes an area of calm water or waves one category higher in the area of effect. Either spell cast on a creature of the Plane of Water causes 1d3 pts damage per level of the caster. The creature is allowed a save vs. polymorph to negate this damage. Spells that affect water or summon creature from the plane of water do not work while either Scatter spell is in effect.

This spell has been split into two different spells for the 3rd edition.


1st level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Alchemy, Alteration)
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a piece of rotten wood)
DUR: Instantaneous
AREA: one item touched, not more than 1 cubic foot per level
SAVE? Negates

This spell causes the item touched to be instantly eaten by decay. Swords will rust and break apart, food will rot and stink, small trees will become lifeless rotting shafts of wood. The item is allowed a save vs acid with a penalty equal to the caster's level. Magical and psionic items are unaffected by this spell. Sentient creatures and those with 1 or more hit dice are dealt 1d8 damage. If this damage is enough to bring them to 0 hp or less, their body instantly rots as above.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.


5th level

Disjunction (Alternatives: Artifice, Enchantment)
RANGE: 10'/level, max 150'
COMP: VSM (a stone enchanted with enchant an item and nothing else)
DUR: instantaneous
AREA: 1 magically charged item
SAVE? Negates

This spell releases the energy of magically charged items in an instant, leaving them somewhat drained. The item is allowed a save vs. polymorph to negate the effect. If the save is failed by 1 or 2, the item is drained of 1d6-1 charges (this number could be 0). If the save fails, the item is drained of 1d6 charges, unless the caster is at 15th level and above, in which case the item is drained of 2d6 charges. The item affected will not work if used that round (no charge expended in the attempt).

This spell also has a second variation, in which the range is reduced to 1'/level. In this variation, when the item is drained, it is drained of only 1d4 charges (2d4 if 15th level or higher), and an extra charge is expelled from the wand as if the user had commanded it to fire. The effect is always targeted on the wand (requiring a save, in most cases), therefore, a ring of 3 wishes would provide no benefit to the item's holder, but a wand of fireballs would create an inferno around him.

There is a 3rd edition version of this spell.

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