When you cast this spell, roll 1d6. Depending on the result, this spell grants an enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution, and a -4 penalty to the other two.
d6 | Str | Dex | Con |
1-2 | +4 | -4 | -4 |
3-4 | -4 | +4 | -4 |
5-6 | -4 | -4 | +4 |
Hit points gained by a temporary increase in Constitution score are not temporary hit points. They go away when the subject's Constitution drops back to normal. They are not lost first as temporary hit points are. Hit points lost by a temporary descrease in Constitution return when the subject's Constitution returns to normal.
Material Component: A sheaf of gilt-edged paper, with the words Strength, Dexterity and Constitution written on it in golden ink, costing at least 10gp.