You must stand within five feet of the last position of the teleporter while casting the spell. It fails under three conditions. First, it cannot track someone who teleported away more than four rounds ago. Second, it cannot be used to track someone who has teleported to another plane or dimension (such as with Plane Shift, Ethereal Jaunt, Shadow Walk, or Maze), as the magical energies of planeshifting erase stray thoughts too quickly. Finally, the teleporter to be tracked may make a will save (vs. this spell). If this save is successful, then the teleporter did not leave enough stray thoughts for Teleportational Track to detect. The teleporter may voluntarily fail this save if he is aware that someone will be tracking him and he wishes the other to have this info.
If the spell is successful, then you may be granted some amount of info that the teleporter used to determine his or her destination. No information is granted if the teleportation was supernatural or extraordinary. If the spell was of 4th level or lower, enough information is granted to duplicate the spell exactly. Otherwise, use the table below. For example, if the teleporter was very familiar with the area and he teleported away 2 rounds ago, you are granted enough info to qualify as "seen casually".
Rounds Ago | ||||
Teleporter's Info | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Very familiar | Studied carefully | Seen casually | Viewed once | Description |
Studied carefully | Seen casually | Viewed once | Description | No info gained |
Seen casually | Viewed once | Description | No info gained | No info gained |
Viewed once | Description | No info gained | No info gained | No info gained |
Description | No info gained | No info gained | No info gained | No info gained |
Any information gained through this spell fades after 1 minute/level of the caster.
Note that this spell only allows you to go where the teleporter intended; if the teleportation went awry, you won't gain info about where he or she actually ended up.