Use this skill to prevent Wild Surges.
Check: You can attempt to prevent Wild Surges when you cast a spell with the Wild descriptor. The base DC for negating all wild surges is 20 + the level of the spell. The base DC for only negating the chance for a Major Surge is 15 + the level of the spell. You must choose which DC to use before you make the check.
Action: None. Making a wild magic check doesn't require an action, it is made as a part of a spellcasting action.
Try Again: No.
Special: This is a cross-class skill for all classes by default. Use the Wild Mage feat to gain this as a class skill.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Concentration, you get a +2 bonus on Wild Magic checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Wild Magic, you get a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks when trying to activate an item blindly.
Read more about Wild Magic.