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Rolled Attributes
Stat Min Max Modifier
Strength 3 18 No exceptional strength
Dexterity 6 18 +2
Constitution 3 18 -1
Intelligence 6 18
Wisdom 4 18 -1
Charisma 6 18
Aging Modifications
Category Age Effects
Starting Age 10 + 1d6 <None>
Middle Age 30 -1 STR / CON
+1 INT / WIS
Old Age 40 -2 STR / DEX
-1 CON
+1 WIS
Venerable 60 (5d4 more till death) -1 STR / DEX / CON
+1 INT / WIS
Physical Stats
Stat Modifier Base (Male) Base (Female)
Weight +2d6 55 50
Height +2d4 36 33
Physical Traits
Sub-Race Eye Color Hair Color Wing Color
Potsyam Green or Blue Greenish- Blonde Greenish
Naiif Emerald Green Amber

Woodsprites are a different, more demi-human race of sprites. They have diverged so much that they have more in common with humans than with other sprites. Like most srpites, however, they have elvish features, nimble frames, and wings. The chart at the bottom of the page shows what classes woodsprites can pick from, their level limits, and their multi-class options.

Woodprites come in two main sub-races, the Potsyom and the Naiif. Potsyom woodsprites have blonde hair with strands and flecks of green running through it. They also have either blue or green eyes, and a greenish tint in their wings. Naiif woodsprites have green hair and sparkling emerald eyes, but their wings have an amber hue to them.

Both cultures have mastered usage of the blowgun and short-range blades, and they pass this knowledge along to their offspring in the form of a +1 bonus to hit with blowguns, daggers, dirks, knives, and short swords. Woodsprites who do not grow up in a woodsprite culture do not recieve anything but the blowgun bonus, because the woodsprites' connection with the air and long history with the weapon have made its use somewhat intuitive to the race.

There is a 3rd edition version of this race.

Racial Abilities:


A woodsprite can fly for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution score divided by three, rounded down, with a minimum of 1 round. (E.g. A sprite with 18 CON can fly for 6 rounds. One with 13 CON can fly for 4 rounds, and the unlucky woodsprite with only a 2 in CON can fly for only 1 round.) Flight movement is determined by halving the sprite's regular movement rate, rounded down. Woodsprites can maneuver as a class C creature. After flying, a woodsprite must rest 5 rounds for every round he spent flying before he can fly again.
Weight Adjustment Table
Strength Score Adjustment
1-2 -40 lbs
3-5 -25 lbs
6-8 -10 lbs
9-12 No Adj.
13-15 +10 lbs
16-17 +25 lbs
18 +40 lbs

If a woodsprite is reduced to less than half his normal hit points, he loses the ability to fly, and cannot do so again until he heals to at least 90% of his total points. However, he can still glide if needed (see below).

Bad weather may hamper a woodsprite's ability to fly at the DM's discretion. Also note that, even though a woodsprite's wings resemble those of an insect, they are not rendered useless if they become wet.

A flying woodprite can carry his weight in equipment while flying, modified by his Strength score according to the chart to the left, without incurring any penalties. He can halve his flying movement and fall to maneuverability class D if he carries more than this limit, but cannot fly while carrying more than twice his limit.


"Gliding" can be accomplished even when a woodsprite is too tired or injured to truly fly. The glide, which is not true gliding, is inexonerably downward, and the woodsprite can only maneuver at class D level. If the distance down is too great, the woodsprite can take falling damage. Use the chart below to determine how much damage is dealt.

A rested, healthy woodsprite carrying less than his weight limit is considered to be Rank 3. The following conditions raise the sprite's rank by one:

The following conditions lower the sprite's rank by one, to a minumum of 0:

Note than Rank 0 below is equivalent to free-fall.

Gliding Damage
Height Rank 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6
10 feet 1d6 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 feet 2d6 2d3 0 0 0 0 0
30 feet 3d6 3d3 2d3 1d3 0 0 0
40 feet 4d6 4d3 3d3 2d3 1d3 0 0
50 feet 5d6 5d3 4d3 3d3 2d3 1d3 0
60 feet 6d6 6d3 5d3 4d3 3d3 2d3 1d3
70 feet 7d6 7d6 6d3 5d3 4d3 3d3 2d3
80 feet 8d6 8d6 7d6 6d3 5d3 4d3 3d3
90 feet 9d6 9d6 8d6 7d6 6d3 5d3 4d3
100 feet 10d6 10d6 9d6 8d6 7d6 6d3 5d3
110 feet 11d6 11d6 10d6 9d6 8d6 7d6 6d3
120 feet 12d6 12d6 11d6 10d6 9d6 8d6 7d6
For every extra 10 feet, add 1d6 more, to a max of 20d6
Distance Fallen Flight Rounds Drained
Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6
0-40 0-50 0-60 0-70 1
41-90 51-100 61-110 71-120 2
91-140 101-150 111-160 121-170 3
141-180 151-190 161-200 171-210 4
181-220 191-230 201-240 211-250 5
220+ 230+ 240+ 250+ 6


A woodsprite with enough flight time stored up and who is at Rank 3 or higher can attempt to "plateau" while gliding in order to prevent or reduce falling damage. If done properly, a plateau will completely halt the sprite's descent momentarily. This means a sprite who falls from 100 feet up and plateaus at 50 feet will only take damage as if falling from a height of 50 feet.

A plateau takes 1 round to complete, but often wastes several rounds of flight time. The longer the glide being stopped, the more rounds the plateau attempt will drain from the sprite. Use the chart above to determine how much a plateau attempt will cost. The rank listed is the rank the sprite is at before the attempt is made.

NOTE: At your DM's discretion, a sprite with at least a round of flight time, but not enough to make a plateau attempt, can either be disallowed from plateauing, or may partially plateau, taking less damage than an unbroken fall, but more than a plateaued fall.

Class Options
Class Level Limit Multi-Class Choices
Cleric 12 Fighter or Thief
Druid 11
Elemental Mage (Air) 12
Elemental Mage (Fire or Water) 9
Fighter 12 Cleric or Thief
Psionicist 12 Thief
Ranger 15  
Thief 15 Cleric, Fighter, Psionicist,or Transmuter
Transmuter 12 Thief
Thief Adjustments
Pick Pockets Find / Remove Traps Move Silently Hide in Shadows Detect Noise Climb Walls
+5 +5 +10 -10 +10 +5


2nd level

Air, Alteration, Necromancy (reversable)
SPHERES: Air, Healing
RANGE: Touch
COMP: VSM (a maple's helicopter-like seed)
DUR: 1 round/level, max 10 rounds
AREA: One woodsprite
SAVE? Negates

Aid Flight it a spell known only by the woodsprite race. Like dragon-specific and elf-specific spells, its secret is jealously guarded by the community for which it was created. A non-woodsprite will neither be taught the wizardly version, nor will have the priestly version granted to him by a deity/power.

This spell causes the woodsprite affected to be able to fly for the duration without expending any of his flight time. It cannot be cast on woodsprites who have been rendered flightless due to hit point losses. If cast on a woodsprite that is resting from a previous flight attempt, it renews him immediately, but gives no bonus flight time.

The reverse, Hinder Flight, causes a woodsprite to be fatigued and unable to fly for the duration of the spell. If cast on a resting woodsprite, that woodsprite requires an extra turn to be able to fly again. This spell requires an attack roll to touch unwilling victims, who also get a save vs. paralysis to negate the spell.

Unlike most spells, the somatic components of this spell and its reverse are such that it is possible to cast them while the caster is in flight. These spells are available to priests and wizards at the second spell level.

AD&D Famous Last Words: "We really didn't need a Cleric anyway."
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